Box turtles are now a favourite pet of many pet lovers. When we buy them, we promise to keep them healthy and get them a long life. But to assure long and healthy life, we must take proper care of their diet.
Keeping the diet well balanced is a strict decision as keeping one item or two in the daily diet of the box turtle is easy to process to feed it, but that way the diet will lose its versatility and will not keep the box turtle healthy.
The daily diet of the box turtle should be a good mix of leafy vegetables, fruits and insects. 30% of the diet must have vegetable and the rest can be a good mix of fresh fruits and insects.
When in the wilderness, box turtles always find their food from their surroundings. They eat slugs, crickets, sardine, grasshopper, goldfish, cricket and even baby pinky mice.
If you want to feed the mice really a balanced diet, then offering them a well-mixed salad with random vegetables and fruits will be a good idea. Some meat source along with one or two kind of green leafy vegetables and some multivitamin powder mixed with the fruits and vegetables will be a wholesome meal for the box turtle.
Among the fruits, there are many which are not suitable for the diet of this creature. However, cucumber falls on the list of safe fruits for turtle.
Are cucumbers safe for box turtles?
Cucumber is considered one of the safe food items for a box turtle. This vegetable consists of mostly water and thus it will do well to box turtle to keep the hydrated condition of its body. It also contains vitamin C and K.
This is a fat-free vegetable and also it contains a very small amount of carbohydrate and protein. Also, it is much less in calorie, but the box turtle does not need many calories, as their movements are limited. This item is high in nutrients like magnesium and potassium and low in fat so this can be added to the regular meal of the box turtle.
Also, this is a soft kind of fruit that can be easily digested by a box turtle. So yes, this is a safe choice of fruit for a box turtle.
Benefits of cucumber:
Cucumber is a wonderful vegetable that contains a whole lot of goodness which are beneficial for both humans as well as a box turtle. This is also counted as the fruit by many. We have already discussed the nutritional value of this fruit, and along with that it also comes with some magical benefits.
Improved digestion:
This fruit helps in the digestion system. As it contains a good amount of dietary fibre, this will make bowel movement easy. If you find the turtle having difficulty in regular bowel, you can offer cucumber on a daily basis.
Bone strength:
The vitamin K content of cucumber makes it beneficial for the bone structure. Also when eaten regularly, cucumber offers a good amount of vitamin K which lessens the chance of bone decay or damage which is a common problem among many reptiles and turtles.
Immunity boosting:
Cucumber can boost the immunity system, which is a great benefit of this fruit. The combinations of multiple vitamins like A, C, K and B compound along with potassium acts as an immunity booster. So all the body parts stay in good health and the chance of falling sick lessens.
Hydration is hugely provided by cucumber. This fruit contains a good amount of water and when you add this fruit into the diet of the box turtle, you do not have to bother about the amount of water intake of the turtle.
Body cooling:
The fruit contains the ingredients which cool the body of the turtle even in the months of summer. This is due to the presence of water, which works like a natural cooler for the body. As this fruit contains a good amount of water and hydrates the system of the consumer, skin health also gets improved. Also, the vitamin B compounds like riboflavin and niacin present in cucumber make the skin scratches and cuts recovery fast.
What is the favourite food for the box turtles?
There are various kinds of greens as well as insects that are a favourite food of box turtle. Some insects like mealworms, beetles, earthworms, cricket and slug are among the most favourite food of this turtle. Among vegetables, they love to gorge on carrots, squash, tomato, cantaloupe and red bell peppers.
However, not all the items that are listed under the favourite food of box turtle should be given every day. You should consult the vet and also check the ingredients available in the particular foods. Giving every item in moderation is the key to keeping the box turtle healthy and lively.
Which plants are toxic for box turtles?
There are several plants and vegetables that are harmful to box turtles. So when you try to feed the box turtle, you need to be specific about the types. Spider mum, heavenly bamboo, lantana, juniper, mistletoe, Jerusalem cherry, parlour ivy, oleander, morning glory, nightshade and string of pearls are some plants that look great in your backyard garden but should never be placed inside the terrarium of the box turtle.
Also if you have any of these plants in the outside garden, make sure to keep an eye on the box turtle when you let it roam there. Please watch so the turtle does not try to bite the leaves of these plants. If you see the turtle biting on any of the plant’s leave, then take it to the vet immediately.
Treating the box turtle with proper equipment, food and the right kind of atmosphere will make it a lively and jolly pet. A healthy and hearty box turtle looks really content and exotic. Everyone would love to keep such a nice pet at the house and that is possible if you take proper care of the pet. You must maintain its good health by offering it good treatment, attention and care.