You can keep chameleons as your pet if you want a hassle-free experience of pet. Being a member of the lizard family, it moves on its own and even loves to chase food. Only you need to provide it with ample food and sometimes walk with it. Also, plenty of water is required to mist it daily.
Chameleons are pretty popular pet now, but when you adopt a baby one, you know you need to take care of it in a special way. Like human kids, they need special attention and care to become a fully matured and healthily grown-up chameleon.
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Why do you need to take special care to feed baby chameleons?
Chameleons are not good mothers when it comes to taking care of their babies. When they get gravid, they dig under the substrate, or make a burrow on the natural soil, lay eggs and cover it with soil or dirt. Their duty ends there.
In a time of live birth also, the mother chameleons drop their babies and move away. The babies come out of the amniotic sack on their own, by wiggling and moving on some branch or leaf. So the breeder must be extra cautious to bring them in the enclosure and take care of them.
Feeding the baby chameleons are often a questionable matter for the owners. From the length of the crickets to the types of fruits that you can feed them, we will try to answer all the related questions in this write-up.
What does juvenile chameleon eat?
Giving food to baby chameleon means providing them with a good amount of protein, vitamin and energy. The loved and important foods for the baby chameleon are worm and insects. Living foods are favourite food with chameleons of any age so you can always offer them insects like pinheads, fruit flies and silkworms.
Chameleon babies differ in sizes and thus their food intake also differs. Also, the gender of the chameleon decides how much food one should eat to stay healthy. You can check the amount of food that they can eat and digest so you can decide on how many live insects may be needed to feed the baby chameleon.
Where to get the food for the baby chameleons?
The best part of sourcing the baby chameleons’ food is, you can breed them at home. If you are serious about not buying the insects or worms you can breed them in a specially designed box and some instructions on how to do this.
How to breed the crickets and other insects at home?
Pinhead crickets are most easily available insects. You can breed them at home even more easily. Get a specially designed box for their breeding and feed them with vegetables and leaves. You can also use small pieces of fresh fruits. A good amount of food, heat and some space to roam around; these are only needed to breed crickets.
Soon you will find them breeding inside the box. You can now feed your baby chameleon with these insects.
Other sources of nutrients for baby chameleon:
Vegetable leaves fresh from grocery stores are also good for the chameleons when they start growing. Dandelion leaves are much liked by the babies of this reptile. But you should not feed the leaves as they are. Cut and chop the pieces into small pieces before serving them to the babies for valid reasons. The pieces of the vegetables should not be larger than the head of the baby chameleon.
Baby chameleons are much independent in the matter of feeding, and they began to search for food once they are born. The breeder can offer them food of their choice inside the terrarium and they will chase the live insects and eat them eventually. This is an organic process and they will sustain themselves by eating the right food in proper quantity.