Feeding bearded dragon with various types of worms is natural for the owners. There are several types of worms that can be fed to the bearded dragon while there are some which are not suitable for their diet.
Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wax Worms?
The list of safe warms includes butterworms, mealworms, waxworms, silk worms, super worms, phoenix worms and calci worms.
How many wax worms can be fed to bearded dragons?
Wax worms can be used as supplements to bearded dragons. You can give them to the bearded dragons and surely they would love to gorge on this item. But there should be limitation to such food. You cannot give them more than 3 to 5 worms and that also should not be more than 3 times a week.
Why you cannot give wax worms to the bearded dragon regularly?
Wax worm can be added to the diet of the bearded dragon only occasionally as it contains high amount of fat. This is used as a treat and it is a good one. Feeding it too many times can cause obesity in the bearded dragon, which in turn, will make it difficult to move.
At which age bearded dragons can eat wax worm?
You should not feed wax worm to a baby bearded dragon. Only after it becomes 1 year old, which is the age of maturity for the bearded dragon, can you offer it wax worms. The amount of fat that the wax worm contains will not be suitable for the digestion of the baby bearded dragon.
Are wax worms better than meal worms for the bearded dragons?
Though both meal worm and wax worm looks pretty similar, but the quality of these two are different than each other. Meal worms are smaller in shape and size. Both the worms offer good amount of protein but the difference is mealworms contain less amount of fat, whereas wax worms contain a high amount of fat.
However, both the worms are not good for the regular diet of the bearded dragon. Only you can offer these worms as treats, that is, you have to feed them occasionally to the dragon.
What are the good sides of the wax worms?
Wax worms are considered to be one of the best supplements for the captivated reptiles that are insectivorous. So in the variety of insects range, you can surely offer wax worms to the bearded dragons. However, knowing the nutritional value of any food, before feeding it to the pet is necessary.
The protein content of the wax worm is 15.5% whereas fat content is 22.2%. This shows that this worm contains a good amount of fat, which is not a healthy ingredient to be consumed daily. Along with high amount of moisture and very little amount of fiber, it contains calcium and phosphorus. The ratio for these two minerals is 1:8, which is good for the bearded dragons.
Does bearded dragons love wax worms?
Wax worms are very tasty and thus, this is a favorite food of the bearded dragons. The soft body of the worm is alluring for the bearded dragons. When the dragon is refusing all kind of food, then you can offer it this worm. But do not offer this worm in too many numbers in normal time as that can cause fattiness to the bearded dragons.
Can wax worms become the staple food?
No, wax worms should not be used as staple diet of the bearded dragon. The main reason for this is that, wax worm does not contain much nutritional value. Instead of wax worms, you should offer super worms or meal worms for the same purpose.
How wax worm can benefit the bearded dragons?
Apart from being a tasty treat, this juicy worm contains good amount of protein. So it can provide a good amount of protein to the bearded dragon. When the bearded dragon is facing severe illness due to the lack of protein you can offer 5 or 6 wax worm to the bearded dragon.
Not only that, wax worms also provide good amount of hydration to the bearded dragon. It contains a good amount of water so after consuming it, the bearded dragon can be well hydrated after consuming wax worms.
Why wax worms are delicious?
Like any sinful food, wax worms have high fat content, which makes it a tasty treat. But this worm should be used as the treat only, and too much consumption of this worm can affect the health of the bearded dragon negatively.
How the calcium phosphorus ratio of the wax worm causes disturbance in bearded dragon?
The phosphorus content of the wax worm can be harmful for the bearded dragon, as it can bind the calcium and thus the bearded dragon’s bone structure will not get enough calcium to stay strong. The calcium deficiency may cause MBD or various other diseases which will lead to painful situation.
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