From the whole range of reptiles that are adaptable, the bearded dragon is popular due to the easy maintenance and their diet chart. They are omnivorous and they can eat both greens as well as insects. So feeding them is not a big problem.
However, the problem starts when the owner does not know about the right items that should be fed to the bearded dragon. When it comes to the young bearded dragons or the juvenile ones then it becomes more critical. Most of the owners are not sure if the food that they are feeding the matured bearded dragons, could be offered to the baby dragon or not.
Hereby, we can offer some suggestions on which vegetables are preferred to be fed to the young bearded dragons and which are not suitable.
Celery is one of the vegetables that is frequently used by humans in salad and is also a good source of various vitamins and minerals. But we need to see if this green is also nutritious enough for the diet of the juvenile bearded dragon.
Which vegetables can the bearded dragon eat?
Among the greens, there are fewer ones that are suitable for the consumption of bearded dragons. Bell pepper, carrots, and cabbages along with asparagus and kale are good to be fed to the bearded dragons. Celery also is listed in this category. So feeding celery does not pose any threat to the bearded dragon.
The goodness of celery:
Celery contains a good amount of water and along with that it also has some amount of vitamins and minerals. This green is rich in vitamins A, K, and C. Along with that it also contains potassium, sodium, and folate, which is not good for bearded dragons, if fed in high amounts.
Also, it has numerous antioxidants which boost immunity and slows down the aging process.
How can you feed the celery to the juvenile bearded dragon?
Celery is a green vegetable and it should be fed raw to the baby bearded dragon. You need to find fresh ones with no preservatives or pesticides. It is best to get the organically grown one, so there could be no trace of harmful chemicals in their food.
You need to choose a raw stalk of the celery if you decide to feed the dragon with this. The celery should be diced into small pieces before it can be offered to the bearded dragon. They have a small head and the food portion should always be smaller than that, so they do not get choked while consuming the greens.
Always put the celery into a mixed bowl of salad, as offering only celery for a meal will lower the value of the nutrition for the juvenile bearded dragon. Use some more nutritious vegetable options like kale, carrot, or bell pepper. Mixing 3 to 4 vegetables in a bowl will be a proper meal for the dragon and it will be sufficiently filling for it.
Can you offer cooked celery to the baby dragon?
No, cooking celery will remove all the goodness of this vegetable. Cooked foods are not a good option for feeding the bearded dragons as their digestive system is not prepared to consume cooked food. When they are in the wilderness, they do not get much-cooked food to eat. So it is best to provide them fruits, vegetables, or other protein-sourced food in raw form.
Why celery could be fed as a snack to the baby bearded dragon?
Celery does not contain a good amount of nutrition. The percentage of nutrients is so less in celery that if you wish to fill the tummy of your juvenile bearded dragon, the creature will lack nutrients in its body. If this kind of diet is continued, then it can suffer from malnutrition and that can lead to various diseases.
How many times can you feed celery to your baby bearded dragon?
We have already claimed that this is a safe option of food for bearded dragons. However, this one should not be fed more than once a week, as this one does not contain many nutrients. However, this is applied to the baby bearded dragons only.
For the adult bearded dragon still, it can be fed from 2 to 3 times a week. But the baby bearded dragon needs more nutrition than the matured one, as it is yet growing. The growth will be stunted if you cannot offer a good amount of nutrients and energy through their regular diet.
Does the juvenile bearded dragon-like eat celery?
Most of the juvenile bearded dragons love to have celery as part of their meal, as it is crunchy and juicy. If you wash and cut the vegetable in proper sizes, then it would be a nice snack for the bearded dragons.
However, sometimes the owner of the dragon complains that their pets are not taking celery in their meal. For them, it can be suggested, that the stomach of the bearded dragon is pretty small. If they have already eaten enough insects or other foods to fill it, they will not be interested in having celery later.