Yes, the bearded dragon can eat escarole in their diet. Escarole is a kind of endive having green color broader paler and less bitter leaves than another endive family. It is basically used in different culinary dishes and is chopped, sautéed into soups, and also used in green salads.
The calcium to phosphorous ratio in escarole is 1.9:1 which is great to serve bearded dragons. It is safe for bearded dragons as it contains a good amount of calcium, fat, vitamins, sugar, and fiber which a bearded dragon requires.
Nutritional Value of Escarole per 100 grams
- Total fat – 0.2g
- Saturated Fat – 0g
- Cholesterol – 0 mg
- Total Carbohydrates – 3.3g
- Sodium – 22mg
- Potassium – 314mg
- Dietary Fiber – 3g
- Protein – 1.2g
- Sugar – 0.2g
- Vitamin A – 42%
- Vitamin C – 10%
- Iron – 4%
- Calcium – 5%
- Vitamin B6 – 0%
- Vitamin B12 – 0%
- Vitamin D –0%
- Magnesium – 3%
- Phosphorous – 28mg
- Oxalates – 0%
From the table, it is clear that escarole is rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, etc so it is good to feed bearded dragons but not on the daily basis. This is because the amount of calcium is slightly higher in it which is not suitable for a bearded dragon on the daily basis. If you want to feed escarole daily to a bearded dragon then you should give only a small amount of it or otherwise mix it with some other green leaves.
Advantages of Escarole
- It contains a good proportion of calcium to the phosphorous ratio which is beneficial for a bearded dragon’s health.
- It can be easily grown from seed.
- High in vitamins and folate.
Disadvantages of Escarole
- It gets dry very quickly.
- Not very much nutritional but nothing harmful also.
How to feed escarole to a bearded dragon?
Wash the leaves of escarole properly then dusted with the calcium to improve the calcium intake for the bearded dragon. They are not very useful for the bearded dragon but can be served as a salad by providing some flavors by adding other leaves. Cut the leaves into small pieces so that your dragon can eat them easily.
How much escarole should be fed to a bearded dragon?
You can feed escarole in the form of salad to your dragon and you can also add some other vegetables or leaves with it. You can feed it every day in a small quantity in the form of fresh salad. Because salad is rich in all the nutrients and also varies in taste by adding different leaves in their diet.
Factors determining best greens for bearded dragon
Several factors determine which greens are suitable for a bearded dragon’s health and can eat and how often they can consume.
1. Calcium Content:
Bearded dragons require a good amount of calcium for healthy growth. Greens containing lots of calcium play an important role in their healthy growth.
2. Calcium to the phosphorous ratio:
The amount of phosphorous must be low than calcium for a portion of healthy food to be served to a bearded dragon because phosphorous prevents the absorption of calcium and deficiency of calcium can cause diseases like metabolic bone disease in a bearded dragon.
3. Overall nutritional value:
The best greens or salads for a bearded dragon are those which have all the nutrients present in them and provide a balanced nutritional value to them.
4. Goitrogens:
For a portion of healthy food, the goitrogens value must be low because it can cause thyroid problems in your lovely pet.
5. Oxalates:
Calcium absorption can also be interfered with by the number of oxalates present in the food like phosphorous do. The high amount of oxalates in food can cause metabolic bone disease. Escarole is good daily as it contains 0% of oxalates.
If veggie or green leaves are rich in amount of calcium and low in phosphorous and oxalates amount then your bearded dragon should serve.
Other greens that can be served to the bearded dragon
Some other greens are best to feed to a bearded dragon daily which can provide a variety of tastes, textures, and flavors. Daily staple foods that can be served for a bearded dragon are:
1. Dandelion Leaves:
This is very suitable for bearded dragons as its calcium to phosphorous ratio is 2.8:1 which is rich in calcium and vitamin A, which proves an excellent addition to the salad for the bearded dragon but they should be pesticides free. Dandelion leaves have some amount of oxalates so mix them with high amounts of calcium greens to balance the nutritional values.
2. Mustard Greens:
It is rich in calcium and vitamins A, C, and K but many bearded dragons find a peppery taste in mustard greens. Overall it is a good option and contains a calcium to phosphorous ratio of 2.4:1. It can be served with collard greens to moderate the number of oxalates and goitrogens.
3. Collard Greens:
It has stunning calcium to phosphorous ratio of 14.5:1 and is a rich source of calcium for bearded dragons and also rich in vitamin A, C, E, and K. Also collard greens are a good source of fiber and folate. One has to go for collard greens for bearded dragons as they are very rich in all the essential nutrients.
4. Turnip Greens:
these greens have a little spicy flavor but are rich in calcium and vitamins A and C and the calcium to phosphorous ratio is 4.5:1. On the other hand, they contain a high amount of oxalates but may be beneficial if served with oxalate-free and calcium-rich greens like collard leaves.
5. Lemongrass:
It is high in antioxidants and fiber having a citrus flavor. The calcium to phosphorous ratio is 1:1.5 means lower in calcium but has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help the bearded dragon to fight illness. Such kinds of properties are also important in the body of your pet so they can improve the immune system against diseases.
There are several other greens like rosemary, watercress, pea sprouts, kale, and grape leaves which are beneficial for your bearded dragon.
Escarole is good for the bearded dragon to eat, though it doesn’t provide that many nutrients as a part of a balanced diet, escarole can be fed daily to your bearded dragon. You can also add some vegetables and other green leaves with escarole that adds the value, taste, and nutritional value of the food.