Cabbage is an amazing vegetable and contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which are good for humans. But is cabbage healthy for the bearded dragons? We will get to know all regarding the cabbage in relation to the Bearded dragons in the article below.
The bearded dragons can safely eat the cabbage. In addition to this, it is an excellent addition to the bearded dragons diet. It contains good amount of vitamins and minerals along with the antioxidants and some inflammatory compounds. These make the cabbage a great vegetable and very suitable for the bearded dragons.
But we see that if too much cabbage is fed to the bearded dragons then it can affect their health. In the article below we will discuss how much cabbage you should feed along with the one which is most suitable.
Can baby bearded dragons eat cabbage?
Bearded dragons can eat a large variety of cabbage. Also, cabbage can be a good addition for a balanced diet of your bearded dragon. Cabbage is safe and thus the baby Bearded dragons can also have it. The number of nutrients that the cabbage provides are very important for the beardies and they can even be added to their diet.
It is better that you check what food you are feeding your Bearded dragon before you offer it.
It is important to know that the food which is healthy for humans can even cause health problems for the beardies. Cabbage is absolutely safe for the bearded dragons and after checking out with the vet experts it is seen that cabbage is in the list of safe foods.
According to some experts the cabbage can be given to the bearded dragons even daily. There are five different varieties if cabbage and you need to see which one suits the most.
As in majority of the cabbage gives positive benefits to the bearded dragons. And you can easily add it to the bowl.
Cabbage Nutrition facts
It depends on the type of cabbage that you feed your bearded dragon, the amount of calcium will vary accordingly.
Calcium is important and it is especially required to enhance the bone growth. It is verb important that the owners of bearded dragons feed them with insect and protein based diet in the starting stages. Also, small amount of the greens and veggies can also be fed. Now the plant based diet should increase while they get into adulthood.
The best ratio would be 80% insect based diet with 20% plant based diet. It promotes growth and in the elder stages you can follow the 60:40 diet in which 60% is insect and 40 is plant based.
Go for mustard greens as they are high source of calcium.
How much cabbage is to be fed?
Cabbage is a part of a healthy as well as a varied beardie diet. But you need to ensure that you are not feeding your beardie with excess amounts.
This is necessary because the cabbage is goitrogenic vegetable. This refers to goiter or the swelling of thyroid. If the bearded dragon has high intake if the goitrogens then the bearded dragon can suffer from hypothyroidism. This is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones.
To be safe you can limit the amount of cabbage that you feed your bearded dragon. Give it about once or twice in a week and it should not in bulks.
Which cabbage is mostly suitable for the bearded dragons?
There are 5 types of cabbage varieties and they are all safe as long as you feed them in the right amounts.
As per the research the bok chog cabbage is the best among all other varieties due to the nutrients it had and the Savoy cabbage is the last.
The cabbage varieties:
- Bok choy
- Napa
- Red
- Green
- Savoy
The nutrient levels are almost the same except for the calcium and phosphorus. Also, the most important nutrient that is considered for checking the best suitable cabbage is calcium.
Bok choy cabbage is the best as it provides high amount of calcium which is about 105 mg.
The second is the napa cabbage which has descent amounts of calcium and serving it also a good option.
The green as well as the red cabbage contain low amount of calcium. Both the red and green cabbage have similar nutrients.
The red cabbage also has fiber so you can give it to your beardie without worrying much.
The savoy cabbage is the last among the other cabbages. This is because it has more of phosphorus than calcium and it is not so good for your pet.
More food for beardie:
Well, the cabbage is safe for your bearded dragon and you can feed it in the right amounts. Do check which cabbage is the most nutritious and the other benefits too.