The bearded dragons are also known as beardies that are generally moderately sized lizards and are native to Australia. They belong to the family of the reptiles and need special care and equipment if you want to pet a bearded dragon.
The bearded dragon is a very sensitive animal so they need proper care and for that purpose you need to clean up their cage or vivarium as it is called to maintain the hygiene of the bearded dragon and also to protect them from getting ill too due to the bacteria formation in the tank.
We can do monthly cleaning and clean the cage completely and clean the substrate that is the sand by rinsing and thoroughly cleaning it.
Steps for cleaning the bearded dragon tank
The steps for cleaning the bearded dragon tank with sand are given as below:-
- First of all you have to take the bearded dragon from the cage or vivarium and put them into some safe and clean container so that it would not escape. You have to keep it there till them you are cleaning their tank.
- Now you have to take out the sand from the bearded dragon’s cage into some bucket or container and remove the debris from the sand at that moment and dispose it off.
- The next step is that you have to pour the bleach into the container that is containing the sand and stir it. Fill the bucket with enough water, almost full leaving space at the top so that you can stir without spilling the water.
- When the stirring takes place the unwanted sand, faeces, food, waste, skin will float and cleaner sand will be left at the bottom and leave the sand undisturbed for 3 minutes for better result.
- Now you have to dump the bleached water from the bucket and then repeat the steps twice. Pour all the dirty water and replace it with a cleaner one.
- After this pour the wet sand in to a flour sack and pillow case as this will help in partially dry the sand before you have to bake it.
- Now you preheat the oven to 200 degree Fahrenheit is a reliable temperature, if you want you can even increase the temperature.
- The next step you have to follow is pour the sand on to a baking tray lined with a lined aluminium foil.
- Place the sand in the oven and bake it for 30 minutes as it will not only dry the sand but also kill the bacteria.
- If the sand is not dry enough you can bake it for next 15 minutes but do not overcook.
- Now take the sand out of the oven and let it cool, before putting it back into the cage of the bearded dragon.
- You have to now put the sand back to the bearded dragon cage and it is suggested to repeat this process on weekly basis in order to maintain better hygiene.
Cleaning the cage with this method is quite easy and can be done easily on weekly basis.