The reptile lovers know how chatty a crested gecko can be. This is pretty unusual for the reptiles though, but when it squeaks, converses, and communicates with the owner, it makes the human fill with pride and enjoyment.
Now, does anyone know why the crested geckos squeak or scream? There are several speculations about the sound that these crested geckos make, but not all the ideas are proven to be true.
Are crested geckos noisy?
The way we use noisy does not apply to crested geckos. Some first-time owners find it exciting or sometimes intriguing when they see their crested geckos are making weird kinds of sounds. There are certain kinds of noises made by crested geckos when they are in different moods. The noise that the crested gecko makes is not very loud though, it is a kind of alarming sound when uttered.
What are different kinds of sounds are made by the crested geckos?
There are several types of sounds experienced by the crested gecko owners. Some say they have heard chirping sounds and others confirm that they have heard sounds like barking.
Now, this is truly amazing how a single small creature can utter so many different types of sound. But the reality is, these sounds are made to explain the different states of mind of the crested gecko or at least different kinds of moods.
When they chirp, it is obvious that they are facing some kind of uncomfortable situation. If you hear a barking sound from your crested gecko, you can be assured that you have got a female crested gecko and this is usually the call to their male partner.
Crested geckos are often found to be making whistling sounds, which is the simple communication method among them. if you have kept more than one crested gecko at one terrarium then you can sometimes experience this.
The meaning of the squeaking sound is heard at their mating seasons. This sound is made by the female crested geckos when they are seeking attention from their male partners.
The possible reasons for the noise making of crested geckos?
As mentioned above, there can be several reasons for their calls or sounds. The chirping mentions that they are facing something uncomfortable.
Check the heating, humidity, and other necessary elements of the terrarium to make sure that the crested gecko is not feeling disturbed anyway.
What are the reasons for making chirping sounds made by crested geckos?
If you still hear some chirping sounds, then you can assume that the crested gecko is in a happy mood. This chirping sound sometimes is a signal that they are very happy and satisfied in their present condition.
Also, the chirping sometimes comes out from the crested geckos when you install a new element in their habitat. If you arrange for a new plant or a new basking stone in its shelter, then they would love to explore that new item and sometimes utter the chirping sound.
When and why does the crested gecko make a squeaking sound?
Squeaking sounds are notification for the male geckos when it is uttered by the female ones. The same goes for the whistling sound. On that note, keeping more than one male geckos at the same terrarium is not healthy and that can lead to battle-like situations.
Barking is an interesting sound that is heard when the male gecko approaches an unwilling female gecko. This is kind of a threatening call for the male crested gecko, and it shows that the female gecko is not interested in breeding with the male one at that point in time.
How barking sound of a crested gecko is different than chirping?
The barking sound is not very easy to distinguish from the chirping or whistling sound. Only this time it is a bit more throaty and harsh. If you hear such kind of sound, then you must investigate the condition of the crested geckos living in the same terrarium, and if needed you should shift one to some other terrarium.
What is the reason behind making the whistling sound of the crested gecko?
Whistling sounds are possibly the usual communication method among the crested geckos. You need not be alarmed when you hear such sounds. Rather you can be relaxed to know that the crested geckos, more than one, in this case, are happily settled in their shelter.
What kind of sound is made by sick crested geckos?
This is the crucial part of bringing up the crested gecko, that sometimes they make some different sound which is to indicate that they are having some illness. The crested geckos tend to fall sick of respiratory problems, thus when you hear a loud breathing sound or wheezing sounds, then you should check the small creature.
The respiratory infection is pretty common among the crested geckos, and along with the wheezing sound, you can also find your pet to become lethargic and inactive. Get it checked by the vet as soon as possible if you find all these symptoms in it.
What kind of sound is made by the geckos at night?
The owners should know unlike them, the crested gecko will not sleep at night as these are nocturnal creatures. So at times, they can make some sound which is not actually uncommon for the crested geckos.
If you are a light sleeper then it is best to keep the terrarium or shelter of your crested gecko somewhere far from your bedroom. Some crested geckos make a lot of sounds at night while others make little sounds. If they are not uttering sound then also they will move, dig or play in the dark night, which make disturb your sleep.
What kind of sounds is heard when the crested geckos are threatened?
A barking sound is usually uttered when your crested gecko is feeling unsafe. As we have mentioned in this guide, that this sound is made when they are facing the other more dominating crested gecko. But even if you have kept a single crested gecko in one terrarium then also it can feel threatened and utter such sound.
The reasons for threatening can be many, if there are some other pets like a dog, cat, or any other small creature, and it visits the crested gecko for the first time, it can be a fearful experience for this small pet. So expect it to make a barking sound in this situation.
Such sounds are also common when the atmosphere or the exterior of the shelter is changed suddenly. The crested gecko can get tensed and anxious after seeing such vivid changes around it, and then it can bark sometimes.
There are other kinds of sounds that are heard seldom. They can make vibrating like buzzing sound when they are in a group. Also when they are suddenly surprised, they utter whistling sounds. There are more to the calls and sounds made by the crested geckos, but these are not always easy for us humans to understand what is going on among them.
Only by following a group of crested geckos closely, can we assume some meanings of the sounds that they utter. The interaction among them is pretty engaging for the owners and it will be a nice way to spend the leisure time while watching them in their shelter.